Kim Jong Un or President Donald Trump, Who's The REAL Bully? By ABC-AntiBullyingCrusador
WE have two leaders in conflict which may lead to war. Both have been described as a "bully". So who's the REAL bully?
I 'll start off by describing what I mean by a "REAL bully". When adults are described as being a "bully" it is very different than children described with the term "bully".
MOST children who use behavior described as "bullying" are simply immature and outgrow bullying behaviors. There are the few exceptions however who don't out grow bullying. When children continue bullying behaviors into their late teens and beyond, it becomes more concerning, especially if the severity of their bullying tactics worsen.
When they do, it is likely that the child, now young adult is a "REAL bully". The word "bully" was first used to describe behavior problems of adults, by the "workplace anti-bullying and mobbing" movement, in the United Kingdom. Both Canada and Australia followed suit, adopting the same terminology in their workplace anti-bullying and mobbing movements. All three countries, recognizing "workplace bullying" well before the United States.
Adults correctly referred to as "bullies" have a level of psychopathy. Meaning, they are lacking or have a diminished ability to experience empathy. Instead, they actually experience a strange type of pleasure or satisfaction over the misfortune of others, which they often cause.
Most bullies involved in workplace bullying are also very Intelligent, and are commonly referred to as "successful psychopaths" in the United States. They are "successful" in that their intelligence makes it possible for them to mimic the normal caring emotions of others, that they are incapable of experiencing. Contrary to popular belief, intelligent psychopathic bullies, are not mentally ill in the usual sense of the word. They are rooted in reality and know the difference between right and wrong. Most have no feelings of guilt or anxiety. The most dangerous psychopathic bullies, seem more mentally stable than most of us, despite thinking and being motivated VERY differently, and in ways that most people could not even imagine.
So who's the REAL bully, President Trump or Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un?
I think it's fair to say that both leaders are very intelligent. Based on that alone, it's possible that both men are REAL bullies, both intelligent enough to mimic normal caring emotions.
Other ways to determine who the REAL bullies are, is by their relationships especially with family members and the severity and motivation for the bullying tactics they use. Having a reliable source of information to answer these questions is a bonus.
Luckily, we live in the age of the Internet, where all the details of famous people's lives are revealed. True details are usually first published by reliable sources, then repeated many times more by many other sources.
We also know already that normal caring but angry adults, use tactics similar to tactics used by children called bullies. They use tactics "to call out" or to "stand up" against their adversaries as a show of strength. They may raise their voice, make insulting comments or call them names. Bottom line, normally angry adults use tactics that cause little if any REAL harm.
This is what we know about Kim Jong Un's reported relationships and past behavior towards other people;
Although it has been reported that Kim Jong Un has has a wife and three children, there are no details publihed. Skipping to his other relatives, the most recent incident involves the death of Kim Jong Un's half brother Kim Jong Nam in February 2017. Kim Jong Un's half brother was attacked by two women at an airport, where they quickly ran over and smeared a nerve toxin onto Kim Jong Nam's face. He was dead within 20 minutes after describing excruciating pain moments before.
It was widely reported that the assassination was meticulously orchestrated by the North Korean government and that Kim Jong-Un wanted the killing to be so ‘gruesome’ that it would ‘horrify the rest of the world’ and intimidate his adversaries.
Another example of how Kim interacts with family members is the case of Jang Song-thaek who was thought of as a father figure to Kim Jong Un, and served as the second-in-command to the supreme leader. But when he ran afoul of Kim in 2013 for "anti-state acts" and "double-dealing," his familial ties couldn't save him from his nephew's wrath.
Many different articles describe thousands of gruesome public assassination, the worst "pulverized their bodies using anti-aircraft guns". Other assassinations were carried out by hungry dogs who ate them.
Public executions and enforced disappearance to political prison camps serve as the ultimate means to terrorize the population into submission.
Michael Malice, author of "Dear Reader: The Unauthorized Autobiography of Kim Jong Il," said Kim's real favored means of murder is simply presiding over what Malice calls "the worst country on earth."
Conclusion: Kim Jong Un is a REAL bully. His motivation towards adversaries is clear if not deadly. Known to not only assassinate for petty reasons, but to assassinate gruesomely, even his own family members.
What about President Trump, isn't it possible that they are both REAL bullies?
This is what we know about President's Trump's reported relationships and past reported behavior towards other people. Privacy matters keeps us from the minute details, but there is so much reported information, there's more than enough to go on.
President Trump seems happily married to his wife Melania who lives at the White House together with their young son Barron.
We know that the President has two x-wife's, and two adult sons, Donald Jr. and Eric. He has a daughter, Ivanka with first wife Ivana, a college-age daughter, Tiffany with second wife Marla Maples.
We know that all of the President's adult children, at least appear to have a good relationship with him. Not knowing every thing of course, I think it's safe to say that most, if not all of his adult children actually work with the President or in charge of the President's former businesses.
Have you EVER heard of anyone else who could boast that they too got along with their family as well as Trump?
Moving on to the hard part for REAL bullies, that being their "tactics" or behavior and the motivation behind them.
This is where the "Trump is a bully" thing just falls apart completely! Despite reading over and over again that Trump "rants and raves", I could never find video supporting that description. What I have seen is the President speaking with conviction about things that he is either passionate about or angry about. At the very worst, I've seen him use a stern tone of voice with an angry expression. Considering the amount of hatefulness against him, it's amazing how controlled he is.
I'm thinking that maybe the people using those terms to describe the President, really don't know what "ranting and raving" really is. Most, probably not even born or too young to remember President Nixon, the president who actually framed in my mind (and everyone else over 60) what REAL presidential "ranting and raving" really looks like..
Like many people my age, memories from my youth are much clearer than what I had for breakfast. My memory of President Nixon is one of those. With just his face and upper shoulders filling the TV screen, I clearly remember Nixon sweating and red faced, his jowls actually shaking with every word that he spoke. Sounding like a lunatic he screamed "I am NOT a crook!" Happening well before the Internet, I couldn't find any video.
Then of course, there is the king of "ranting and raving", likely the most famous and the first ever captured on motion pictures for all perpetuity, Adolph Hitler.
President Trump has been accused of just about every negative attribute that I can think of. From bully to racist the list never ends. Keeping up with the details of the news, I have yet to find validity for what the headlines imply.
I realize that general impressions based on things I've previously read, may not hold true. So to make sure I wasn't missing anything, I did search engine checks regarding the President's previous reported behavior, using Trump's name, together with all kinds of negative attributes, such "assault", " "violence", "harming", "rape" etc.
All of the negative attributes which are usually thought of as physical, such as "assault", "bashing" etc. searched together with Trump's name, showed links describing violent words, or angry tweets, NOT real physical violence or harm.
The harshest description I found about the President's response or retaliation against an adversary, is that he "angrily lashed out on twitter using ALL caps!" Most of the time, the President delivers insulting tweets, using the same measure of harshness, that they first delivered to him.
Not knowing all of the history behind President Trumps insulting tweets, I must admit, that some of his tweets may cross the line of civility, especially before his presidency. But seriously, tweeted words? When has a presidential tweet caused lasting, serious harm?
Compared to Kim Jong Un, I think it's obvious who the REAL bully is.
I'll put my trust in President Donald Trump, who is NOT a REAL bully!
Lets Learn to Recognize, Name it and End Workplace and/or Adult Bullying and Mobbing, Together!
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