Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Elusive Motive of Stephen Paddock, Not So Elusive

Elusive Motive of Stephen Paddock, Not So Elusive

Just about every news agency in the nation is asking the same question, what was Stephen Paddock's Motive? What's strikingly concerning about this question is that his motive is obvious.  Most people already have some knowledge of previous mass killers reported by the news media, but few are making the connections, that the depravity of their crimes alone, made the motive clear, in fact having NO real or valid motivation at all, EXCEPT for the psychopathic bully's satisfaction.  Think about it, did anyone question the validity of Jeffrey Dahmer's stated motive, "his own pleasure" ?

Psychopaths lack or have a diminished ability to experience feelings of empathy, instead, experience a type of  enjoyment or satisfaction over the pain and misfortune of others, which they often cause.
 "Successful psychopaths" like Stephen Paddock, are very intelligent making it possible to learn and mimic normal caring emotions.  Not only that, there are many other things that successful psychopaths do and use to support the false impression of normalcy.

In my opinion, people affected by psychopathy, especially successful psychopaths, pose the greatest hidden threat that most people are both exposed to, but know little or nothing about.

Even worse and accentuated by this horrible tragedy, is the amount of false and inaccurate information reported by the media, regarding psychopathy, successful psychopathy,  and the word  "bully".  The over use and misuse of the word "bully" probably the most egregious example of broad misconceptions perpetuated by the media.

Learn more about topics mentioned in this article individually linked below -

Workplace, Adult Bully or Successful Psychopath, A Matter of Semantics. By, ABC

Hatefulness Without Prejudice, Workplace Bullying. by ABC

Schadenfreude” – A Bully’s Satisfaction. By ABC.

The articles individually linked above, are from ABC's previous website titled                               ABC-AntiBullyingCrusador's Weblog. It focused on workplace and/or adult vs adult - psychopathic bullying and mobbing.  It contains some of ABC's BEST content, enriched by the BEST reader's comments, that only personal experience can provide. Articles such as "Tactics of a Workplace Serial Bully Boss" and "Workplace Mobbing. Workplace Little Mobsters" brings the reader through these experiences which are typically very similar case to case.  Readers, who are real  "targets" of workplace bullying and mobbing, but uncertain, come away knowing for sure. Dozens having commented how unbelievably close their experiences match my own.  Read about this and more, at the link below.

/ABC-AntiBullyingCruador's Weblog

Keep up with  new content on this website BULLYING AND HATEFULNESS USA - Focused
on subjects related to bullying and hatefulness within the USA, that is affecting the presidency, nation and the entire world. Related events continually unfolding before our eyes.

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