Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Difference Between President Trump and REAL Bullies

The Difference Between President Trump and REAL Bullies By ABC

It is true that almost half the nation think the President is a bully.  Many people with this impression give as examples the President's angry tweets or comments towards people who he believes first slighted or criticized him unfairly in some way.  The President  seemingly having no guile at times, just  blurts out whatever is on his mind.
So what's the difference between a REAL bully and people like the President who are incorrectly referred to as a bully?

The difference is, what motivates the behavior that is being referred to as bullying.  People correctly referred to as a bully, are psychopaths lacking in feeling for others and motivated by a single factor. the need to do harm.  Their tactics cause great harm.

People incorrectly referred to as a bully like the President, have normal caring  feelings like most of us.  Their motives for angry tweets and comments, like the President, are not to do serious lasting harm like REAL  bullies.  Instead,  the President and others incorrectly called bullies are motivated in ways that are similar to children called bullies.  Their motives are based on normal caring feelings, that can, and often do get hurt unfairly by REAL bullies!.

Lets Learn to recognize, name, and end workplace and adult bullying and mobbing together!


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Monday, August 28, 2017

The Uncanny Similarity of Tactics Real Bullies Use Against The President

The Uncanny Similarity of Tactics Real Bullies Use Against The President. By ABC-AntiBullyingCrusador

As the bullying and mobbing campaign against President Trump wears on, the news is fresh with new examples of  specific tactics that only REAL bullies are known to both use and share against their targets. Recognizing  the uncanny similarity of their tactics, is what reveals them as  REAL bullies. By "REAL bully", I mean adults with  a level of psychopathy, who lack or have  a diminished ability to experience empathy for others,  and a type of pleasure over Misfortune of others.

There was one example that stood out above all the others involving more than one tactic, that REAL bullies are known to use.   It started out with a commonly used tactic of bullies, which is to flip things around by accusing their target, President Trump, of being a bully.  They then use any means possible to convince every one else, that their target, the President is a bully. 

This morning, it seemed like a great deluge of REAL bullies mobbed together through Twitter and the media reported commentary of Democrats and others. All shared the same accusation  against the President.  The strange thing was, they were accusing the President of a bullying tactic that is so specifically used by bullies alone, I knew they had to be lying. 

The accusation was that the President timed both taking and announcing several controversial measures, to coincide with the hurricane Harvey, in an effort to deflect attention from his actions. Timing of bullying measures to coincide with other events as a cover, is a well known tactic of REAL bullies.  Using REAL bully(ing) tactics together with an illogical pretense, is something that only a psychopathic mind, is capable of.

Most everyone else including the President is very much aware, that in this modern age of the Internet, that it is impossible to hide ANY THING with a hurricane.  The fact alone, that it is something  controversial that President Trump did, made it CERTAIN to stand out, above all other news, be it a hurricane or any thing else.

As events unfolded in real life, the media reported the President's controversial  measures as prominently and simultaneously as coverage of the hurricane.  Reports accusing the President of timing events as a cover, was reported as part of the other coverage.  It made no sense, like bullying tactics often do. 

The thing that really made me laugh, was President Trump commenting  later that he did in fact time his pardon of Joe Arpaio to coincide with the hurricane.  But contrary to tactics of bullies trying to hide their actions, the President wanted to utilize the hurricane's high ratings to bring MORE  awareness to his controversial pardon. 

Let's learn to recognize, name and end, workplace and adult bullying and mobbing, where ever it is!

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Friday, August 25, 2017

Bullying and Mobbing Against President Trump. By ABC-AntiBullyingCrusador

When I first heard that Donald Trump was running for president I was surprised, having never heard his name associated with politics before. I knew very little about candidate Trump with the exception of three things that you'd have to be dead, to not know it, that being, what he looks like (the hair), that he is very wealthy and he is known to be a womanizer.

I considered how the things I already knew, might affect Trump's presidential run. Being greatly wealthy was a good thing I reasoned. Being financially satisfied already, he could never be motivated or influenced by financial gain. What I knew about his womanizing seemed hardly worth thinking about. I viewed it as typical, for many men in our society and in my own experience. What women hasn't been groped and kissed by a man without consent? Besides, no one is perfect. Some of the greatest saints were at first some of the greatest sinners. Being a Republican, I decided to keep an open mind while learning everything I could during the campaign.

Together with ample media coverage, rallies, debates, speeches and many tweets, it didn't take long to feel like I knew candidate Trump. I soon felt informed and engaged with his every step, as though I was taking each step beside him. The bond I felt grew deeper and finally beyond any bond I have ever experienced before, with a politician or any other celebrity or icon in our society. Not only that, I agree with his political agenda. Trump became my candidate of choice, now the President of The United States!

I thought I'd feel happy while watching the televised inauguration but instead, could no longer deny, that some of the things I was observing, both at that moment and since the very beginning of the campaign, were both dark and very troubling.

I am a retired blogger who wrote about a special type of hatefulness, referred to as "work place", or "adult bullying and mobbing", retiring about 4 years ago. Having experienced bullying and mobbing by adults on my job, I began writing about this complex, hidden type of hatefulness, after first thoroughly studying the subject and coming to a complete understanding of the phenomenon.

When the media and many others began routinely referring to the President as a "bully", I bristled against the idea, thinking that none of the accounts I read, were able to support that assertion. Instead, every time the President was described as a bully, the President seemed only motivated by a simple need to respond, sometimes in anger, and sometimes in an attempt to clarify his position (which almost always back fired) to the REAL bullies of the press and many others, who are unfairly tormenting his presidency. Responding in anger against social injustice against you is NOT BULLYING.

Thinking that most people have a poor understanding of what a REAL bully is, I decided to come out of retirement to explain this, as well as many other things that people don't seem to understand about bullying, mobbing and hatefulness in general.

Most of all, I feel compelled to help and defend our President by sharing what I know. I hope my words will help everyone understand, that PRESIDENT TRUMP IS NOT A BULLY!

When the word "bully" is correctly used to describe an adult, it means someone with a level of psychopathy. Psychopaths, lack or have a diminished ability to experience empathy. Instead, psychopaths experience a type of pleasure, over the pain or misfortune of others, which they often cause. (Children who are referred to as "bullies" are NOT usually psychopaths, but are having problems with their behavior due to immaturity, which they usually out grow.) The word "bully(ies)(ing)" should NEVER be used to describe people who are reacting in anger. REAL bully(ies)(ing) are so much more than that! Remember, REAL bullies have the mind of a psychopath!

There is absolutely nothing about the President that would suggest that he is "psychopathic", again meaning lack, or diminished ability to feel empathy. The most striking example that proves this fact are his relationships with his adult children (as well as with Baron). How many people can say that they maintain close relationships with all of their adult children? How many people can say that their relationships with their children are so close, that as adults, most of them chose to work with them in their businesses? It's no secret and widely known that the President's children work with him, in both the White House and in the management of Trumps businesses.

Adult Bullying in the workplace or elsewhere is such a hidden type of hatefulness that you could be watching it or even involved in it and not know it. While experiencing it, it is almost impossible to understand, or why it is happening. Nobody you tell, will believe you with the exception of the few who have also experienced it. Even in the telling, it's hard to believe it yourself.

The reason it's so hidden and impossible to understand and believe, is that it just doesn't make sense to the normal mind, regardless of the details of the story or who is telling it. Part of the reason for this, is that a very differently motivated psychopathic mind is behind it all. The other reason involves the unseen. When circumstances unfold in such a way that strays from what you would normally expect as a usual course of events, it's a clue to look deeper.

Targets that don't gain an understanding of the phenomenon despair in a search for a cause and solution that don't exist, some become suicidal. Once a target stumbles across adult bullying and mobbing literature, which explains they did nothing to cause it, the target is greatly relieved. When learning further that it's everything good about them that posed a threat to a psychopathic bully, void of feeling and open to unworldly forces, their self esteem is restored and they no longer question their own sanity.

Most experts in the workplace anti bullying and mobbing community, do a great job from a secular perspective when helping targets come to an understanding of their experience. But I only came to a complete understanding, when I understood that there is also a spiritual aspect of the phenomenon. By that I mean a supernatural component of the phenomenon, involving both good and evil forces and influences. Knowing that invisible, supernatural activity is involved, makes the most difficult things to believe about a bullying and mobbing campaign, believable.

It was this supernatural component that first caught my attention about the campaign and later the presidency. While watching a televised rally, I could feel the spiritual movement right through the TV. On many other occasions, people's perceptions of an event, or of Trump's words varied so widely, that there had to be something more that was influencing perceptions.

The most recent striking example of an incident, hard to explain without a supernatural component, is how it was possible, as a normal course of events, that so many people could perceive the meaning of the President's same two words, of "both sides" then later, "all sides" (probably most accurate) in such widely varying ways, regarding who bears the blame for the violence in Charlottesville.

The President's words are logically correct, but many people and groups seem almost hysterical in their description of these two words as appalling and absolutely outrageous. To some, these two words mean the President is racist. And a few, are publicly asking for the President's resignation! All of this outrage over two words that just don't grab my ire, like they did for so many others. Now if the N word was used, I could easily understand a public outrage.

Intelligent bullies who learn to mimic normal emotions are seemingly very normal like everyone else, while in reality they are void or lacking of empathy and open to demonic influence. This type of bully is also referred to as a "successful psychopath". Meaning a psychopath who successfully learned to mimic normal behavior.

Having bullies who seem normal while their targets and victims are emotionally reacting, together with unworldly forces, mixes things up, making it hard to understand what the real truth is. Many times the target of a bullying and mobbing campaign is mistakenly believed to be the bully. So who is the REAL bully? Regarding the presidency, it is NOT the President.

One way to find out who the REAL bullies are, is by knowing that REAL bullies use unique tactics against their targets which are specific to bullies alone. It is the similarity of their tactics that will reveal them. Bullying tactics can be so similar, it's uncanny, as if they all went to the same school to learn the art of bullying. It takes time though to learn and to recognize all the different unique tactics that bullies are known to use and share. At first, it might be easier to remember that a REAL bully's words and behavior are motivated by a single shared goal, to do harm, a bully's satisfaction having no real or valid reason at all!

The President, motivated by caring emotions that normally gets hurt, uses tactics similar to those used by children, like insults and name calling, the intent is not to cause serious or lasting harm. Instead, never wanting to appear weak, the President's responses, seem intended as a means of calling out, and standing up, against his adversaries. This "calling out" of perceived bullies, is something that is taught to children against schoolyard bullies.

On the other hand, many members of the media and others, are using tactics, that REAL bullies are known to both use and share. Some examples include;

1) Repeatedly asking the President about the Russia investigation, despite his pleas, to ask him about current events.
2) Writing headlines that imply something negative about the presidency, while the content, IF read clears up the misconception.
3) Reporting the president's words, then assigning your own meanings to the words, and/or their implications.
4) Using old quotes of the President's words, then using them out of context, and/or in ways that stray from the intended message and/or are interpreted in ways, that reflect negatively on the President.
5) Using just about anything the President says or does, often just little things, that we all do and say, considered acceptable by all, except when President Trump says or does it. Then, just about anything, is twisted into being unacceptable, inappropriate, and/or in some way not presidential.

I can't begin to imagine how horrible this must be for the President. This is bullying and mobbing against the President on a national, if not global level. For those able to share my perspective, let's keep the President in our Prayers and find ways to defend and support him.

God Bless Donald Trump - President, of the United States!

Let's Recognize, Name and End Workplace/Adult Bullying and Mobbing Together!


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