"Pure Evil" Unrecognized and Hidden in Plain Sight. By ABC-AntiBullyingCrusador
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Stephen Paddock's Dad-Psychopathic Criminal |
I have been feeling more and more concerned with each passing day since the unprecedented mass shooting in Las Vegas. Starting with the very first breaking news reports of that tragic event. it seems obvious to me that Stephen Paddock was a "successful psychopath". Yet, more than a week later, few have even suggested that possibility, and even fewer (if any) have suggested that possibility, as the sole cause (not motive).
It is a well known fact to doctors and other "experts" in the field of psychology, that bottom of the barrel spectrum psychopathic minds, have no real or valid motives at all for their crimes, except for their own personal satisfaction, even enjoyment over the pain and suffering of other people, that they often cause.
What's concerning is that commentary by "officials", innocent bystanders and the general public, as reported by the media, show how little people know about "psychopathy". Our collective understanding as a Nation, seems to even worsen with the passage of time and memories of previous psychopathic atrocities fade.
Misconceptions about psychopathy accentuated by the Stephen Paddock investigation seemed fueled by an abundance of fresh examples, dismissing the possibility of psychopathy as a cause, but when looked at from a deeper perspective, actually prove it. This superficial perspective continues unabated while the list of misconceptions grows only longer each day.
It has been one of my long standing opinions, that the activities of "psychopaths" or even worse, the very intelligent "successful psychopaths", pose the largest hidden threat that people are both exposed to, but know little or nothing about. Dispite holding and publishing this opinion for over a decade, the puplic understanding of the issues that psychopathy pose, only worsens, my reach far to small.
The Nation has witnessed "pure evil" and the events and speculation that continues to follow. Many thousands of people witnessed it up close being at the center of the violence in the crowd targeted by Stephen Paddock.
Paddock, perched in a hotel room 32 stories above, attacked the crowd below using gunfire, reminiscent of "tower covert hunting blinds". ("Hunting" a sport Paddock "enjoyed" and pointed out as an example, as to why he couldn't be psychopathic.)
The crowds' screaming in a panicked frenzy to get away, people scrambling in every direction, leaving behind all their belongings, including cell phones, car keys and wallets. Some, even leaving behind loved ones separated by the rushing crowds or pursuing their own way out, while hundreds lay wounded or dead. Horrific! That is, to the normally minded.
Stephen Paddock and other intelligent successful psychopathic minds, seem very normal on the surface, but think very differently, literally enjoying and experiencing a type of satisfaction over the pain and suffering of other people that they often cause. I know I repeated this, but I also know how hard it is to believe!
People in that crowd who walked away from that experience with their lives, will likely never walk away from the traumatic memories, intrusive thoughts and flash backs that are now a part of what defines them.
While the psychopathic minds, go unrecognized and hidden in plain sight.
Let's Learn To Recognize, Name It, and End Psychopathic Adult Bullying Together!
Learn more about Successful Psychopathic Minds today!
For more details, read articles with related content, listed on the right margin of this web page, titled;
"Hatefulness Without Prejudice"
"Stephen Paddock Successful Psychopath Reason Enough to Kill"
"Elusive Motive of Stephen Paddock Not So Elusive"
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ALL reader comments are welcomed and are especially ENCOURAGED when the reader's comments differ from that of the article or offers a different perspective or experience as RELATED to the article. With the following EXCEPTIONS; 1) Any reader comments expressed in such a way, that may be interpreted as "incivility" or "Adult Bullying" will be moderated by ABC individually for determination. 2) In violation of Blogger Content Policy
Thank you for your articles. I do read them...I'm sure others do they just do not react.
ReplyDeleteI was harassed on a road trip to Baja Sur with a friend that turned out to be an adult bully there and back...it was the worst 7 days of a vacation in my life. I will never socialize again with Toxic people like him. Satires were at a lost. HE was a pot head and missed his pot so he needed an excuse to turn around and end the road trip so he could get back to his hoem in San Diego to smoke a big fat one, so he said to me. Two years forward, he recently visited me and I did accept hsi apology but dismissed his return. I did not welcome him into my life, he intruded into it. So I stopped him. His friend was welcomed to visit but not him. It was over between us no matter....he is a psychopath. book.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with an adult, possibly "psychopathic", bully. I hesitate though, to suggest he is "psychopathic", meaning he either lacks, or has a diminished ability to experience caring feeling for others. That depends on his motivation for wanting to see you again. Either way, from what you wrote, he doesn't seem like a fun guy to be around. Realizing, then being firm about not wanting to see him again, was the right thing to do. Thanks again, You have WON the distinction of being my very FIRST commenter on my NEW web site! THANKS AGAIN! ABC