Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Moving On From Las Vegas Massacre Harder For Most

Moving On From Las Vegas Massacre Harder For Most  By ABC-AntiBullyingCrusasdor   

Moving on from Stephen Paddock's shooting massacre in Las Vegas is harder for most people than I thought it would be. Most people, still waiting for Paddock's "motive".

Now over two weeks, and three published articles about Stephen Paddock on this website later,  I continue to standby by my original assertions made in this, and the three previous articles on this subject, although varying in focus, wording, and depth of detail. My "assertions" are now in a bullet list below, OR you can read it like a paragraph, it's original format.
  • Stephen Paddock was a "successful psychopath" and
  • That alone, "successful psychopathy", was the sole cause (not motive) of this atrocity.
  • I stated further that I believe it is a well known fact to experts in the field, that bottom of the barrel
  • "Successful psychopaths" have no real, valid "motive(s)" at all for their psychopathic crime(s) against other people. Instead, They
  • Experience a very differently minded type of "satisfaction" even enjoyment over
  • The pain and suffering of other people, that
  • They often plan and cause, for the
  • Sole purpose of that experience alone. I stated further, that I was
  • Repeating the (Bullet List) info, being
  • Both 
  • Hard to believe, and thereby, 
  • Harder to remember. (Repeated, yet AGAIN)

Despite my confidence in my own understanding and ability to teach and reach others about these  matters, my hope of moving my readers forward into more personally useful information is some what stalled.  The Nation now standing paused and struggling to first understand Paddock's 'lack of motive' that "investigators" have as yet, failed to admit. 

"Investigators" as reported by the news media, continue to refer to Paddock's "motive" as something 'not yet found', when the truth is 'there is no motive' at all,  except for the psychopathic mind's own satisfaction.  

The good news is, that at least by some of the newly published news articles, it seems as though the media is just now starting to ease in to the possibilities that Stephen Paddock's reason (remember, he had no real or valid "motive") for the shooting, had more to do with his father's history of criminal psychopathy than not.

In that article titled (and linked), "Father's History Could Offer Insight Into Mind of Las Vegas Gunman", Stephen Paddock's father's criminal psychopathic history is described, along with commentary and quoted statements "typical of psychopaths".  This information is significant, in that "psychopathy" is a known genetic disorder likely passed down by young Paddock's father. The content is also useful in that the descriptions serve as good beginning examples of psychopathy, in which readers may then build on later, when learning more about recognizing psychopathy.

While yet another article titled (and linked), "Why The Unknown Motive In Las Vegas Is So Unsettling" explores why Paddock's 'lack of motive' is so unsettling (or is it REALLY a hint as to WHY, the Media IS HIDING (the no motive) TRUTH (for awhile)?  Either way, it is an interesting read which may play out in a significant way some how, only time will tell.

In the mean time, I intend on moving forward with the "more personally useful information"  that I mentioned, starting with my next article.  Readers may either "pause" with the rest of the Nation at this time, or may move on to the next article as soon as it's published and whenever you are ready.

I will step back with additional commentary, if and when the mass media ever publishes more articles that addresses Paddock's lack of motive any further in their coverage.

God Bless Target's of "workplace" and "adult vs adult bullying and mobbing" wherever it may be.


Tiny Hint 4U2 REMEMBER, Whether it be a workplace, a schoolyard or a single criminal psychopath shooting into a crowd at a concert, it is all the same - small, large or in between.  Dig deeper, if you find uncanny similiarities between your experience and that of unrelated KNOWN bullying and mobbing campaigns, that too may reveal them. ABC

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