Friday, October 20, 2017

Successful Psychopathic Bullying, Useful Information For The General Public

Successful Psychopathic Bullying, Useful Information For The General Public 

By ABC-AntiBullyingCrusador

There is so much useful information about bullying and hatefulness that the general public needs to know, it's hard to figure out where to start exactly.  The amount of confusion  accentuated by the Stephen Paddock investigation brought me to fully understand how little people know about these matters, although it's no secret that many people meet their end that way.

In articles about the Stephen Paddock investigation, it  was commented more than once, that some people didn't want to know, if Paddock is eventually found to have had no valid motive.  The general premise being, that it's impossible to defend yourself against someone like Paddock.  Knowing that there are psychopathic criminal minds amongst us, that appear normal but are capable of killing for no reason, is just too hard for some people to stand. 

Having tangled with a serial workplace bully boss (also referred to as a "successful psychopath") or two myself, I nearly met my end that way too, eventually totally undone though, and losing my job. This happened even after learning everything there is to know about work bullying, while trying to save my job.

Knowing everything there is to know about "successful psychopathy" doesn't necessarily mean you can totally take one or any of them down. It is so much more than that, but at least you gain an understanding of the whys, how's and don'ts, that may make things easier and keep you safer.

Criminal psychopathy is ONLY "indefensible" for people who have little or no true information and thereby understanding, of the real threats, as well as their real (and evolving) solutions, that help to ensure pubic safety.

More critically, days and now weeks have passed with an overwhelming number of both news and speculation articles published daily about the Stephen Paddock investigation. Just about all of these articles share factually incorrect information about "psychopathy" and many other mental health and social problems and conditions. This is causing a national resurgence of  misconceptions, especially in regards to the very intelligent and more dangerous "successful psychopaths".
Even before the Las Vegas shooting, I came across several articles and commentaries etc. which gave workplace or adult vs adult bully advice, more fitting for dealing with "schoolyard bullies". 
Feeling very concerned about totally false, even dangerous information out there, I think it best to start in the middle of what you need to know. 

Basic Bottom Line:  Criminal "psychopathic" minds, more commonly referred to as a "bully" and in the US, a "successful psychopath" are born with a genetic difference in their brains causing an inability or diminished ability by spectrum, to experience caring feelings and empathy for other people.  Instead, they derive a type of satisfaction, even enjoyment over the pain and suffering of others that they often cause.

FALLACY - Schoolyard bullying and workplace or adult bullying elsewhere, is the same thing. I should react to adults who bully in the same way as a child, I will "stand-up" and "call out" adults who bully me.

LESSON 1 - First of all it depends on what you mean when calling an adult a "bully".  Often the term "bully" is used to describe just about any adult who is expressing angry feelings.  There is a BIG difference, which at first is hard to distinguish, almost impossible when judging by appearances alone.  It might be easier to judge by the severity or intention of tactics they are known to have used in the past.  Normally caring adults who are just angry, use tactics that are not intended to do great or lasting harm.

Dealing with an adult (psychopathic) bully, is far more serious than a schoolyard bully who is first of all just a child, and most of them being just bratty and immature.  Adult psychopathic bullies (or "successful psychopaths") use premeditated tactics, that are uncannily similar case to case, even in detail as if they share some kind of common knowledge. Many of their tactics seem specifically used by bullies alone.  Whatever tactics they choose, they are intended to eventually cause serious and/or lasting harm.

"Standing-up" or "calling out" an adult psychopathic bully, is literally DANGEROUS
FALLACY - It's easy to recognize a "successful psychopath", they are "antisocial" and don't like to be around other people. They don't care about anyone but themselves.

LESSON 2 - Everything written in the FALLACY above IS TRUE!  I am just calling it a "fallacy" because it might as well be. People who do not look a little bit deeper than superficial appearances, just don't see it!

Examples in the Stephen Paddock investigation include several different statements made by investigators, family members as well as just public speculation, as to why Paddock could NOT have been a "successful psychopath" while if looked at just a bit deeper, actually prove it.

One example given was that Paddock was known to enjoy making family members and a few other people he was described as being "close to" happy, by sharing the free amenities and luxury accommodations he got for his high stakes gambling.

"Successful psychopaths" are so intelligent that they come to realize at an early age, that they lack the caring emotions that they see others express so spontaneously.  Viewing their "differently mindedness" as an advantage over others, they quickly come to realize the crippling disadvantages of behaving in ways that reveal their true nature.  Instead, highly intelligent criminal psychopathic minds like Paddock's, carefully learn to mimic the normal caring emotions of others.

I'm not saying that "successful psychopaths" never really enjoy making family members and people they feel close to happy.  Keeping in mind that "psychopathy" is experienced in a spectrum of severity, some psychopaths likely do experience a level of genuine enjoyment. 

More likely in my opinion, criminal "successful psychopaths" who enjoy being generous with close relatives and friends, experience a different type enjoyment over these relationships. Either their "differently mindedness" is something that they have in common with those few, or the few fulfill a different more personal (and hidden) need that casual bystanders like myself, can only guess at.

Behaving in normally caring ways though, is very advantageous for criminal "successful psychopaths" who are actually immune to the caring emotions that they mimic. Freed from the normally caring emotions that are so troubling to most people, leaves the impression of mental stability, while really capable of causing great harm.

This impression of mental stability is something  they can fall back on, if by chance "the mask of sanity" should somehow slip, and questions are asked.

One thing  to keep in mind  while trying to determine some one's true nature, is to not base your opinion on just a few superficial examples. Look at the big picture.  For example, Paddock was known to maintain relationships with close family members and a girlfriend.  He was married for a short time many years ago. People cited these relationships as reasons why Paddock could not have been Psychopathic.

While if you think about it just a little bit deeper, you come to realize things such as;  His whole life, and that's the extent of his relationships?  How come no one came forward claiming they were friends with Paddock?  He hunted and had lots of guns.  So where are his hunting and gun buddies?  This guy was a millionaire, yet there were no parties at his house or the tons of friends that people with tons of money attract!

So again, when relationships are looked at like this, just a bit deeper, it becomes obvious when Paddock and people like him, really are loners.

Remember - Think just a little bit deeper and Consider from a broader perspective. -SeekingTruth-


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