Thursday, October 26, 2017

Lies, A Contradiction Of The Truth

Lies, A Contradiction Of The Truth. -Examples, Teaching and Opinions-

By ABC-AntiBullyingCrusador

I came across an article yesterday, titled and linked below, that caught my attention.

Flake and Corker Feel Liberated to Speak Minds That Should Terrify Trump

As a backdrop, before this article was published, there had been several  reports that Senator Jeff Flake had been critical of  President Trump's "behavior" even using the word "dangerous" at one point, while at the same time, he announced his decision to not run for re-election. This article is related.

To keep things clear, quoted content from the linked, complete article content, will be in BLUE print.  ABC's commentary, teaching and opinions will be in the default BLACK print.
The article starts off with the statement;

THE BIG IDEA: Now Jeff Flake can listen to his conscience, not his consultants.

As if Flake couldn't listen to his own conscience BEFORE?

Looking at this statement at face value, most people didn't think twice, but the few who did noticed that the statement implies that Jeff Flake did NOT listen to his own conscience UNTIL just now, after FIRST deciding not to run for re-election.

Further more, according to various news reports, Flake also NOW feels free to say publicly, that President Trump's state of mind is "dangerous"!  This has been stated in many different ways by many different people, starting from well before the election. 

Most recently, talk intentionally meant to emphatically declare that President Trump is mentally unstable, has been  parroted by three top Republican lawmakers, Flake, Corker and John McCain.  The three, either by coincidence or by the hand of God, share  both the distinction and the experience, of now living within their closing days as lawmakers. The significance of this, has yet to unfold.

Having experienced and studied "psychopathic bullying" for over 15 years, I can tell you that the "mental health card" is a common tactic used uniquely by REAL psychopathic bullies. But like all psychopathic bullying tactics, being built on lies and deception, they are intended to change perceptions against their "targets". 

But like all lies, they are a contradiction of the truth.  When you look just a little bit deeper, the contradictions become obvious.

For example, It would be scary to believe that Flake, Corker and other top lawmakers, REALLY believe their own lies about the president's mental health.  The contradiction being, that if the president's mental health was really all that dangerous, nobody in their right mind with a  moral conscience, especially a top lawmaker, would have hesitated a moment to say it. Never mind first waiting to decide about running for re-election!

The second example starts with the quoted text.

"As one of the most authentically conservative members of Congress, Flake has a level of moral authority rivaled by few others."

This statement was supported by the next statement about Flake's political history, or did it?

"Flake was proving his conservative bona fides by leading the charge to kill earmarks, voting against Medicare Part D despite arm-twisting from George W. Bush himself and speaking out against deficit spending by his own party."

The words and terminology alone, throws some doubt about Flake's "level of moral authority", but before your mind can even begin to wonder about how "speaking out AGAINST his own party" is "proving his conservative bona fides"  When the next sentence;

"House GOP leaders even removed Flake from a choice slot on the House Judiciary Committee in 2007 as retaliation for his criticism."

-Throws in, yet a bigger question,  How does being removed by your own party's leadership "from a choice slot", "as retaliation for criticism", add-up,  to some how mean that Flake "has a level of moral authority"? 

The article then repeats the point that the article failed to convince you of.

"This part of his background makes it hard for anyone to credibly argue that Flake speaking out against Trump is anything but principled."

Does it REALLY?

I have noticed recently, that the news media has been repeating or reinforcing their points and conclusions again toward the end of the same article, more than they used to. Especially  articles like this one, where the major points are not clearly stated in the first place.  It's as  if stating it twice, makes you believe something the article had failed to convince you of.
-Just an observation though-

In conclusion, read important articles slowly or re-read articles that you found compelling enough to base your opinions on.  Read between the lines and watch for the inconsistencies and  contradictions that become obvious, when the assertions are either contradicted within an article content its self, or by logical consideration of the "usual course of events" one would normally expect.  

Here's to learning just a little bit more, about the importance of looking just a little bit deeper!


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ALL Reader Comments are welcome and are especially ENCOURAGED when your comments differ from that of the article or offers a different perspective or experience as RELATED to the article. With the following EXCEPTIONS;  1) Any reader comments expressed in such a way, that may be interpreted as "incivility" or "Adult Bullying" will be moderated by ABC individually for determination. 2) In violation of Blogger Content Policy.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

"ABC Misled by Satire, But STILL Believes Trump's Critics Lie"

ABC Misled by Satire, But STILL Believes Trump's Critics Lie, What's The Point?
Link to Snopes

By ABC-AntiBullyingCrusador

Dear Readers,                                      
I apologize to everyone, but after doing further research regarding the post I published yesterday  titled "The Best article EVER in defense of the President, The Lies of Donald Trump's Critics..."   I have reason to believe that the content and conclusions of the linked article I was commenting on, titled "The Lies of Donald Trump's Critics..."   may NOT BE FACTUAL.

Although I knew that the website "snopes" who published the article had "satirical" content, I was misled by a link on my news feed, which led me to believe that the linked article was first of all "news", and that it was surprisingly Pro Trump news from an unlikely source.  When reading the article before originally publishing the post, it came across to me as if the author had changed their views about Trump, based on what appears to be undeniable proof that Trump's critics really do lie. These assertions, were almost exhaustively backed by dozens of links and references.

Like most of the Presidents' supporters, I already know without a doubt that Trump's critics DO IN FACT LIE!  I just thought it would be really nice, to have analytical  evidence to sway the few logically minded people out there who are still on the fence.

People like me who are very naïve are frequently targeted by bullies. Although I know logically, that some people think and are motivated very differently than myself, I STILL have a hard time applying it!  My mind just couldn't believe and therefore never questioned that someone would actually write such a lengthy, detailed article just for the sake of "satire"'?!?  I only realized the article might not be factual after "digging just a little bit deeper" (something I always advice), finally noticing that the article was originally published last July!

Still very much confused about the article, the website and the author, I decided to "dig a little deeper" (something I ALWAYS advice) by writing to the author at "snops", quoted below.  I hope he replies, I am serious about wanting to know his answers.

To Dan MacGuill: Hi Dan,  I came across your article yesterday titled "The Lies of Donald Trump's Critics" and found most of the very detailed content supportive of the President and his supporters' claims of media abuse against him.  Being Pro Trump myself, and now blogging about "bullying and hatefulness USA"  I thought your article would be good to cite as examples.  Now, learning that your website is meant as "satire" and after looking at other content on "snopes" I'm still left VERY confused. 

What if anything in your article is TRUE? If there is reliable, quotable content, how can I tell the difference between true content and "satire"?  I know I am VERY naïve and have a hard time understanding people who are differently minded than myself, but one more question please, Why exactly would you muddy the waters of truth further?  Especially seeing how important the matters you write about are?  Is there a specific motive in mind or just for your own satisfaction?

-Just Curious-

Friday, October 20, 2017

Successful Psychopathic Bullying, Useful Information For The General Public

Successful Psychopathic Bullying, Useful Information For The General Public 

By ABC-AntiBullyingCrusador

There is so much useful information about bullying and hatefulness that the general public needs to know, it's hard to figure out where to start exactly.  The amount of confusion  accentuated by the Stephen Paddock investigation brought me to fully understand how little people know about these matters, although it's no secret that many people meet their end that way.

In articles about the Stephen Paddock investigation, it  was commented more than once, that some people didn't want to know, if Paddock is eventually found to have had no valid motive.  The general premise being, that it's impossible to defend yourself against someone like Paddock.  Knowing that there are psychopathic criminal minds amongst us, that appear normal but are capable of killing for no reason, is just too hard for some people to stand. 

Having tangled with a serial workplace bully boss (also referred to as a "successful psychopath") or two myself, I nearly met my end that way too, eventually totally undone though, and losing my job. This happened even after learning everything there is to know about work bullying, while trying to save my job.

Knowing everything there is to know about "successful psychopathy" doesn't necessarily mean you can totally take one or any of them down. It is so much more than that, but at least you gain an understanding of the whys, how's and don'ts, that may make things easier and keep you safer.

Criminal psychopathy is ONLY "indefensible" for people who have little or no true information and thereby understanding, of the real threats, as well as their real (and evolving) solutions, that help to ensure pubic safety.

More critically, days and now weeks have passed with an overwhelming number of both news and speculation articles published daily about the Stephen Paddock investigation. Just about all of these articles share factually incorrect information about "psychopathy" and many other mental health and social problems and conditions. This is causing a national resurgence of  misconceptions, especially in regards to the very intelligent and more dangerous "successful psychopaths".
Even before the Las Vegas shooting, I came across several articles and commentaries etc. which gave workplace or adult vs adult bully advice, more fitting for dealing with "schoolyard bullies". 
Feeling very concerned about totally false, even dangerous information out there, I think it best to start in the middle of what you need to know. 

Basic Bottom Line:  Criminal "psychopathic" minds, more commonly referred to as a "bully" and in the US, a "successful psychopath" are born with a genetic difference in their brains causing an inability or diminished ability by spectrum, to experience caring feelings and empathy for other people.  Instead, they derive a type of satisfaction, even enjoyment over the pain and suffering of others that they often cause.

FALLACY - Schoolyard bullying and workplace or adult bullying elsewhere, is the same thing. I should react to adults who bully in the same way as a child, I will "stand-up" and "call out" adults who bully me.

LESSON 1 - First of all it depends on what you mean when calling an adult a "bully".  Often the term "bully" is used to describe just about any adult who is expressing angry feelings.  There is a BIG difference, which at first is hard to distinguish, almost impossible when judging by appearances alone.  It might be easier to judge by the severity or intention of tactics they are known to have used in the past.  Normally caring adults who are just angry, use tactics that are not intended to do great or lasting harm.

Dealing with an adult (psychopathic) bully, is far more serious than a schoolyard bully who is first of all just a child, and most of them being just bratty and immature.  Adult psychopathic bullies (or "successful psychopaths") use premeditated tactics, that are uncannily similar case to case, even in detail as if they share some kind of common knowledge. Many of their tactics seem specifically used by bullies alone.  Whatever tactics they choose, they are intended to eventually cause serious and/or lasting harm.

"Standing-up" or "calling out" an adult psychopathic bully, is literally DANGEROUS
FALLACY - It's easy to recognize a "successful psychopath", they are "antisocial" and don't like to be around other people. They don't care about anyone but themselves.

LESSON 2 - Everything written in the FALLACY above IS TRUE!  I am just calling it a "fallacy" because it might as well be. People who do not look a little bit deeper than superficial appearances, just don't see it!

Examples in the Stephen Paddock investigation include several different statements made by investigators, family members as well as just public speculation, as to why Paddock could NOT have been a "successful psychopath" while if looked at just a bit deeper, actually prove it.

One example given was that Paddock was known to enjoy making family members and a few other people he was described as being "close to" happy, by sharing the free amenities and luxury accommodations he got for his high stakes gambling.

"Successful psychopaths" are so intelligent that they come to realize at an early age, that they lack the caring emotions that they see others express so spontaneously.  Viewing their "differently mindedness" as an advantage over others, they quickly come to realize the crippling disadvantages of behaving in ways that reveal their true nature.  Instead, highly intelligent criminal psychopathic minds like Paddock's, carefully learn to mimic the normal caring emotions of others.

I'm not saying that "successful psychopaths" never really enjoy making family members and people they feel close to happy.  Keeping in mind that "psychopathy" is experienced in a spectrum of severity, some psychopaths likely do experience a level of genuine enjoyment. 

More likely in my opinion, criminal "successful psychopaths" who enjoy being generous with close relatives and friends, experience a different type enjoyment over these relationships. Either their "differently mindedness" is something that they have in common with those few, or the few fulfill a different more personal (and hidden) need that casual bystanders like myself, can only guess at.

Behaving in normally caring ways though, is very advantageous for criminal "successful psychopaths" who are actually immune to the caring emotions that they mimic. Freed from the normally caring emotions that are so troubling to most people, leaves the impression of mental stability, while really capable of causing great harm.

This impression of mental stability is something  they can fall back on, if by chance "the mask of sanity" should somehow slip, and questions are asked.

One thing  to keep in mind  while trying to determine some one's true nature, is to not base your opinion on just a few superficial examples. Look at the big picture.  For example, Paddock was known to maintain relationships with close family members and a girlfriend.  He was married for a short time many years ago. People cited these relationships as reasons why Paddock could not have been Psychopathic.

While if you think about it just a little bit deeper, you come to realize things such as;  His whole life, and that's the extent of his relationships?  How come no one came forward claiming they were friends with Paddock?  He hunted and had lots of guns.  So where are his hunting and gun buddies?  This guy was a millionaire, yet there were no parties at his house or the tons of friends that people with tons of money attract!

So again, when relationships are looked at like this, just a bit deeper, it becomes obvious when Paddock and people like him, really are loners.

Remember - Think just a little bit deeper and Consider from a broader perspective. -SeekingTruth-


BEST Article EVER in SUPPORT of TRUMP. "Lies of Donald Trump's Critics...

BEST Article EVER in SUPPORT of TRUMP. "Lies of Donald Trump's Critics...

Commentary by ABC-AntiBullyingCrusador


I came across the MOST positive article EVER, to help in the defense of President Trump, titled and linked below

"The Lies of Donald Trump’s Critics, and How They Shape His Many Personas"

It's described as;

"An in-depth analysis of the false allegations and misleading claims made against the 45th President since his inauguration."

I love this article so much I wanted to copy the whole thing onto this post.  Below is just a few copied paragraphs from this very detailed original linked article above, so you get a general idea.  Looks like a wonderful piece that we can cite in defense of the President.


"This article is intended as a neutral, reliable analysis of the lies, false allegations and misleading claims made about and against Donald Trump since his inauguration in January 2017. We’ve attempted to strip away the hyperbole, name-calling and generalizations, and examine the patterns and trends at work: what characterizes these lies and exaggerations, the effect they have, what might explain them."

"in the current cultural atmosphere, where “the truth” is universally, even manically, exalted as an abstract concept but then widely degraded in practice, it’s essential to confront, correct, and analyze patterns of falsehoods like these".

"The focus here is on attacks against Trump. So for the purpose of this article, we’re not interested in false claims that are intended to reflect favorably on him. Nor does this analysis address claims made against his family members, of which there have been many".

"We’re going to take a look at the four major types of falsehood we found, which correspond with Donald Trump’s five public personas, and point out along the way how various errors in thought have played a role in their origins and their spread."

"What’s remarkable is the extent to which false claims about the President revolve around body language, nonverbal gestures and symbolism, all phenomena that are notoriously open to interpretation. These lies and misrepresentations are also often based on snapshots — visual evidence presented without proper context."

In DEFENSE of TRUMP! Making America Great Again !

Thank You Snopes!



Thursday, October 19, 2017

"Mental Health Card", Bullying Tactic Used Against President Trump!

"Mental Health Card", Bullying Tactic Used Against President Trump! -In Defense of the President-

By ABC-AntiBullyingCrusador

In defense of the president, I can't help but notice how obvious the intense bullying campaign continues to grow against President Trump.  This bullying against our president is being perpetrated by psychopathic members of the media, various government officials and many others. 

I don't think I need to point out specific articles being so obvious and all, but generally speaking it's obvious that "the mental health card" a specific tactic uniquely used by psychopathic bullies alone, is being used by a barrage of different individuals now, who are suggesting that President Trump is mentally unstable and/or "inappropriate" in one way or another, while the examples they cite are either far from convincing, bipartisan, or completely lame having been based on widely varied and twisted or exaggerated half truths or complete lies. 

This is slanderous and the President seems to have no legal recourse against it. 
Then, on top of all those allegations, there are all these stupid tweets and what not, addressing the President from one corner or another insisting, Senator Cain even demanding, that the President address their specific concern or crisis, then like childish brats, they compare the level of attention the President provides, then twist that into something even more horrible that he did or said. 

THEN someone commented today, that the President is inconsistent with his responses!  He simply can't win!  "Targets" of psychopathic bullies, rarely do. 

Let's pray for President Donald Trump, that God keeps him safe and healthy while going about the business of MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! -Despite the bullies! 



Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Moving On From Las Vegas Massacre Harder For Most

Moving On From Las Vegas Massacre Harder For Most  By ABC-AntiBullyingCrusasdor   

Moving on from Stephen Paddock's shooting massacre in Las Vegas is harder for most people than I thought it would be. Most people, still waiting for Paddock's "motive".

Now over two weeks, and three published articles about Stephen Paddock on this website later,  I continue to standby by my original assertions made in this, and the three previous articles on this subject, although varying in focus, wording, and depth of detail. My "assertions" are now in a bullet list below, OR you can read it like a paragraph, it's original format.
  • Stephen Paddock was a "successful psychopath" and
  • That alone, "successful psychopathy", was the sole cause (not motive) of this atrocity.
  • I stated further that I believe it is a well known fact to experts in the field, that bottom of the barrel
  • "Successful psychopaths" have no real, valid "motive(s)" at all for their psychopathic crime(s) against other people. Instead, They
  • Experience a very differently minded type of "satisfaction" even enjoyment over
  • The pain and suffering of other people, that
  • They often plan and cause, for the
  • Sole purpose of that experience alone. I stated further, that I was
  • Repeating the (Bullet List) info, being
  • Both 
  • Hard to believe, and thereby, 
  • Harder to remember. (Repeated, yet AGAIN)

Despite my confidence in my own understanding and ability to teach and reach others about these  matters, my hope of moving my readers forward into more personally useful information is some what stalled.  The Nation now standing paused and struggling to first understand Paddock's 'lack of motive' that "investigators" have as yet, failed to admit. 

"Investigators" as reported by the news media, continue to refer to Paddock's "motive" as something 'not yet found', when the truth is 'there is no motive' at all,  except for the psychopathic mind's own satisfaction.  

The good news is, that at least by some of the newly published news articles, it seems as though the media is just now starting to ease in to the possibilities that Stephen Paddock's reason (remember, he had no real or valid "motive") for the shooting, had more to do with his father's history of criminal psychopathy than not.

In that article titled (and linked), "Father's History Could Offer Insight Into Mind of Las Vegas Gunman", Stephen Paddock's father's criminal psychopathic history is described, along with commentary and quoted statements "typical of psychopaths".  This information is significant, in that "psychopathy" is a known genetic disorder likely passed down by young Paddock's father. The content is also useful in that the descriptions serve as good beginning examples of psychopathy, in which readers may then build on later, when learning more about recognizing psychopathy.

While yet another article titled (and linked), "Why The Unknown Motive In Las Vegas Is So Unsettling" explores why Paddock's 'lack of motive' is so unsettling (or is it REALLY a hint as to WHY, the Media IS HIDING (the no motive) TRUTH (for awhile)?  Either way, it is an interesting read which may play out in a significant way some how, only time will tell.

In the mean time, I intend on moving forward with the "more personally useful information"  that I mentioned, starting with my next article.  Readers may either "pause" with the rest of the Nation at this time, or may move on to the next article as soon as it's published and whenever you are ready.

I will step back with additional commentary, if and when the mass media ever publishes more articles that addresses Paddock's lack of motive any further in their coverage.

God Bless Target's of "workplace" and "adult vs adult bullying and mobbing" wherever it may be.


Tiny Hint 4U2 REMEMBER, Whether it be a workplace, a schoolyard or a single criminal psychopath shooting into a crowd at a concert, it is all the same - small, large or in between.  Dig deeper, if you find uncanny similiarities between your experience and that of unrelated KNOWN bullying and mobbing campaigns, that too may reveal them. ABC

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Rise Above Bullying and Hatefulness

Rise Above Bullying and Hatefulness.  In Reflection By ABC-AntiBullyingCrusador

I don't think anyone would argue that we live in very perilous times.

Witnessing and experiencing so much bullying and hatefulness not only in our marriages, schoolyards, neighborhoods and workplaces,

but broadly spanning every corner of our society and at every level, all the way up to our Nation's highest courts, esteemed leaders, and the President of The United States himself, it is all very concerning.

When adding global bullying and hatefulness between the people and nations of the world, the possibility of war and even the involvement of supernatural unseen forces, it is even more confusing.

When these same issues of bullying and hatefulness muddy the already murky waters of our own personal, moral and religious beliefs,

Then challenges our strength of character, perceptions and everything we once held dear and true,  then, and only then, with bullying and hatefulness surrounding from every angle, 

This is when it will either consume you, or elevate you above it. 

Rise Above it and NEVER Look Back Again!  


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Pure Evil, Unrecognized and Hidden in Plain Sight

"Pure Evil" Unrecognized and Hidden in Plain Sight.  By ABC-AntiBullyingCrusador
 Stephen Paddock's Dad-Psychopathic Criminal

I have been feeling  more and more concerned with each passing day since the unprecedented mass shooting in Las Vegas.  Starting with the very first breaking news reports of that tragic event. it seems obvious to me that Stephen Paddock was a "successful psychopath".  Yet, more than a week later, few have even suggested that possibility, and even fewer (if any) have suggested that possibility, as the sole cause (not motive).

 It is a  well known fact to doctors and other "experts" in the field of psychology, that bottom of the barrel spectrum psychopathic minds, have no real or valid motives at all for their crimes, except for their own personal satisfaction, even  enjoyment over the pain and suffering of other people, that they often cause.
What's concerning is that commentary by "officials", innocent bystanders and the general public, as reported by the media, show how little people know about "psychopathy".  Our collective understanding as a Nation, seems to even worsen with the passage of time and memories of previous psychopathic atrocities fade. 

Misconceptions about psychopathy accentuated by the Stephen Paddock investigation seemed fueled by an abundance of fresh examples, dismissing the possibility of psychopathy as a cause, but when looked at from a deeper perspective, actually prove it.  This superficial perspective continues unabated while the list of misconceptions grows only longer each day.

 It has been one of my long standing opinions, that the activities of "psychopaths" or even worse, the very intelligent "successful psychopaths", pose the largest hidden threat that people are both exposed to, but know little or nothing about.  Dispite holding and publishing this opinion for over a decade, the puplic understanding of the issues that psychopathy pose, only worsens, my reach far to small.

The Nation has witnessed "pure evil" and the events and speculation that continues to follow.  Many thousands of people witnessed it up close being at the center of the violence in the crowd targeted by Stephen Paddock.

Paddock, perched in a hotel room 32 stories above, attacked the crowd below using  gunfire, reminiscent of "tower covert hunting blinds".  ("Hunting" a sport Paddock "enjoyed" and pointed out as an example, as to why he couldn't be psychopathic.)

The crowds' screaming in a panicked frenzy to get away, people scrambling in every direction, leaving behind all their belongings, including cell phones, car keys and wallets.  Some, even leaving behind loved ones separated by the rushing crowds or pursuing their own way out, while hundreds lay wounded or dead.  Horrific! That is, to the normally minded.

Stephen Paddock and other intelligent successful psychopathic minds, seem very normal on the surface, but think very differently, literally enjoying and experiencing a type of satisfaction over the pain and suffering of other people that they often cause.  I know I repeated this, but I also know how hard it is to believe!  

People in that crowd who walked away from that experience with their lives, will likely never walk away from the traumatic memories, intrusive thoughts and flash backs that are now a part of what defines them.

While the psychopathic minds, go unrecognized and hidden in plain sight.

Let's Learn To Recognize, Name It, and End Psychopathic Adult Bullying Together!

Learn more about Successful Psychopathic Minds today!


For more details, read articles with related content, listed on the right margin of this web page,  titled;

"Hatefulness Without Prejudice"
"Stephen Paddock Successful Psychopath Reason Enough to Kill"
"Elusive Motive of Stephen Paddock Not So Elusive"

If NOT listed, TRY the newly installed "Search This Blog" box, ALSO on the right margin of this web page.

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ALL reader comments are welcomed and are especially ENCOURAGED when the reader's comments differ from that of the article or offers a different perspective or experience as RELATED to the article. With the following EXCEPTIONS; 1) Any reader comments expressed in such a way, that may be interpreted as "incivility" or "Adult Bullying" will be moderated by ABC individually for determination. 2) In violation of Blogger Content Policy

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Stephen Paddock Successful Psychopath, Reason Enough To Kill

Stephen Paddock Successful Psychopath, Reason Enough To Kill, By ABC-AntiBullyingCrusador

After reading my last news article of the day titled "Sheriff 'Absolutely Believes' Motive for Las Vegas Massacre Will Be Found", I decided to try and clarify some of the misconceptions  out there, and within this article its self, by commenting on two quoted parts of the article as examples. The article's full content is  linked below.

Quote from article linked above-

"(VOA): Las Vegas sheriff  Joseph Lombardo says he "absolutely believes" investigators will find a motive for the worst mass slaying in U.S. history. Investigators are mystified about why Stephen Paddock, 64 — a man who was financially well off and with no criminal record or apparent political or religious ties —"

ABC-AntiBullyingCrusador's Commentary AND Opinion, related to the quote above, from article content linked above.

It's unbelievable that NOBODY investigating Stephen Paddock's mass shooting, has not even suggested the obvious.  Psychopaths are KNOWN to share the same motivation - Having no real or valid motive at all!  "EXCEPT for  the SATISFACTION of a BULLY" ("Bully" more commonly referred to as "psychopaths" in USA)

 Stephen Paddock, obviously highly intelligent, is more accurately referred to as a "successful psychopath" in the USA. They are successful, in that their intelligence makes it possible for them to recognize their lack of caring emotions, that they see others express so spontaneously. Seeing this as an advantage, they carefully mimic the caring emotions of others.

They also fail to derive feelings of enjoyment like other people. Instead, they experience an odd type of satisfaction, even enjoyment over the pain and misfortunes of others, that they often cause.

Second Quote from article linked above-

"We cannot even rule out mental illness or some form of brain damage, although there's no evidence of that either," a Department of Homeland Security official said Tuesday".

ABC-AntiBullyingCrusador's Commentary AND Opinion, related to the second quote above, from article content linked above.

The way the article quote is stated, leaves doubt as to the depth of  true understanding.  By "mental illness", some people DO consider psychopathy a mental illness which is one of the largest misconception there are.  Fully grounded in reality and knowing the difference between right and wrong, psychopaths are NOT considered to be mentally ill in the usual sense of the word.

Stephen Paddock, was a bottom of the barrel spectrum successful psychopath. Expert at mimicking normal caring emotions while actually immune to the troubled emotions that normal caring people experience, leaving an impression of mental stability, while motivated very differently and capable of the most heinous crimes imaginable. 

Although the vast majority of  people consider the shooting in Las Vegas,  as extremely horrifying, Stephen Paddock carefully planned these events, for the SOLE PURPOSE of experiencing the MOST satisfying and enjoyable mayhem possible,  That he, himself caused!

For More Details, related articles on THIS website are accessible by clicking on the article title, listed on the right margin of this article.

"Hatefulness Without Prejudice"

"Barron Trump Bullied, How Real Bullies Think" -

For More Details, related articles on ABC-AntibullyingCrusador's Weblog are accessible by clicking on the titled links below.  To access the entire Weblog, Click on the tabs ABOVE article posts.

Adult Bully or Successful Psychopath, A Matter of Semantics

Schadenfreude A Bully's Satisfaction-By ABC

May God Bless and Protect, The United States of America and President Donald Trump


-Consider leaving a comment bottom of Page. No identifying information required-

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Elusive Motive of Stephen Paddock, Not So Elusive

Elusive Motive of Stephen Paddock, Not So Elusive

Just about every news agency in the nation is asking the same question, what was Stephen Paddock's Motive? What's strikingly concerning about this question is that his motive is obvious.  Most people already have some knowledge of previous mass killers reported by the news media, but few are making the connections, that the depravity of their crimes alone, made the motive clear, in fact having NO real or valid motivation at all, EXCEPT for the psychopathic bully's satisfaction.  Think about it, did anyone question the validity of Jeffrey Dahmer's stated motive, "his own pleasure" ?

Psychopaths lack or have a diminished ability to experience feelings of empathy, instead, experience a type of  enjoyment or satisfaction over the pain and misfortune of others, which they often cause.
 "Successful psychopaths" like Stephen Paddock, are very intelligent making it possible to learn and mimic normal caring emotions.  Not only that, there are many other things that successful psychopaths do and use to support the false impression of normalcy.

In my opinion, people affected by psychopathy, especially successful psychopaths, pose the greatest hidden threat that most people are both exposed to, but know little or nothing about.

Even worse and accentuated by this horrible tragedy, is the amount of false and inaccurate information reported by the media, regarding psychopathy, successful psychopathy,  and the word  "bully".  The over use and misuse of the word "bully" probably the most egregious example of broad misconceptions perpetuated by the media.

Learn more about topics mentioned in this article individually linked below -

Workplace, Adult Bully or Successful Psychopath, A Matter of Semantics. By, ABC

Hatefulness Without Prejudice, Workplace Bullying. by ABC

Schadenfreude” – A Bully’s Satisfaction. By ABC.

The articles individually linked above, are from ABC's previous website titled                               ABC-AntiBullyingCrusador's Weblog. It focused on workplace and/or adult vs adult - psychopathic bullying and mobbing.  It contains some of ABC's BEST content, enriched by the BEST reader's comments, that only personal experience can provide. Articles such as "Tactics of a Workplace Serial Bully Boss" and "Workplace Mobbing. Workplace Little Mobsters" brings the reader through these experiences which are typically very similar case to case.  Readers, who are real  "targets" of workplace bullying and mobbing, but uncertain, come away knowing for sure. Dozens having commented how unbelievably close their experiences match my own.  Read about this and more, at the link below.

/ABC-AntiBullyingCruador's Weblog

Keep up with  new content on this website BULLYING AND HATEFULNESS USA - Focused
on subjects related to bullying and hatefulness within the USA, that is affecting the presidency, nation and the entire world. Related events continually unfolding before our eyes.

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